The most popular calculators

Discover the most popular calculators trusted by millions worldwide

Sales tax

Sales tax calculator works out the tax imposed on the sale of goods and services.

Sales Tax Calculator
Test grade

With this test grade calculator, you'll quickly determine the test percentage score and grade.

Test grade Calculator
Scientific notation

The scientific notation calculator converts any decimal to scientific notation.

Scientific notation Calculator
Square footage

Square footage calculator turns length and width into an area and converts to/from multiple units.

Square footage Calculator
Percentage increase

Percentage increase calculator calculates the increase of one value to the next in terms of percent.

Percentage increase Calculator

Simple percentage calculator is a generic percentage-based problem solver.

Percentage Calculator

The slope calculator helps find the slope of any line through two given points.

Slope Calculator
Salary to hourly

Salary to hourly converter does a quick paycheck recalculation.

Salary to Hourly - Paycheck Calculator